Renne' (Sailady) Siewers

Renne' (Sailady) Siewers

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Below the Surface (Voyage from Houston to Pensacola, Florida)

Passage Revelation:  Always seek refuge from predators on land or sea.  Know your predator(s).

Lessons Learned:  Don't swim with the sharks or the Portuguese Man-of-War jelly fish.

The day is absolutely gorgeous with the crystal cobalt blue ocean.  Looking into the eyes of the sea, I thought I saw a message in a bottle.  It was a beautiful translucent crystal bottle  speckled with rose pink.  However, I realized it was not a bottle, but a "Portuguese Man-of-War".    They drift along the top of the ocean eating little tiny fish as they pass.   These jelly fish don't have any means of propulsion or known predators and drift wherever the ocean takes them.  We saw thousand of them.  I guess the real message is to stay away from the deadly poisonous jelly fish.

The ocean has a life just below the surface.  To the port side of the  boat I observed a feeding frenzy.  Was it a shark, porpoise or just a big fish?   Then I saw the angler shark fins rising and falling into the choppy confused sea in their area of feeding.  Apparently, these ominous predators were enjoying their meal.

Just like the ocean life which we cannot see below; on land their are predators and poisonous situations.  People hide their real feelings just below the surface.  These troublesome emotions are hidden, which may be as poisonous as the Man-of-War or the frenzy feeding of a shark. 

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